And perharbs he remembering how he betrayed his previous agency in past. And it repeats, the second time he seeing he cant do nothing against those powers, even the souls is possesed. There is the moment he could save Sanford but dont did it, "dumb idiot". ANAMNESIS.fla: ( (philosophy) - its about getting knowlenge from very deep memories. Grunt who beated his head at wall is perharbs him. SACRIFICE.fla: This episode message is Deimos' sacrifice to save Hank, who we see is easy to be killed again, with those falling chains, after it he seeing how reallity bad time became. Its an operation to save their co-worker from this dimension, he always was scared, and in the ending is becoming feeling of absolutely feebleness. After AAHW betray hell is his worse hightmare. Deimos was the first grunt (mechanics skills) at beginning, second one was Sanford, or its AAHW. All image-previews of videos contained Deimos, expect this one, you think? Arent others are changing things happened too? I think this one is. After this all, maybe there's possesed ATP's soul infection that telling the worse nightmares? Mayb react with his powers = making him in something under the time. Hints to it "- where ded get into hell! - after died mayb :pP" and the its different hell.

>Dedmos Adventure: CHASE.fla: Thats all starts by MC9. 8:36 - Characters teleportated to exist dimension, Robot of Tricky was crashed, Auditor espaced. By destroying this universe by killing Tricky-soul all souls there is died too. 8:29 - Those, other, red guys is going to revenge to their tormentor, in my theory. Idk why Audaetor generate dimensions, we'll see it in future. 8:08 - By having Tricky's improbability drive powers he generate this sword and rifle, (at 8:25 we see analogic magic type). ( 3:53 - if someone dont get it, Sanford semi-teleportation giving him more chances in this fight). Now he have his powers and can spawn ground parts ( 5:22) and chains ( 5:29), he used it to make our characters being close to this white line, the main mechanism of controlling this. He also gave Sanford a magical SMG, Tricky-soul get infection ( 3:40) by it. Idk why he cant make them possessed, maybe cause Hank have magic (as he dont did this with Jebus and Deimos whos skills amazing), maybe they could lost intellect (ATPs in MC9 looks familiar to it), idk. Its easy to change them without physical body anyway, 2:35, Auditor used some of his not lost (not taked from others) powers to teleport them, and gave half of his magic, skills to Sanford ( 3:05) and Hank ( 6:06), the last one had more time for updating. Btw, look at those flames, we will not see this again - that is beginning of those tortures, the first place all them comes to there. Its gonna be more easy to destroy them in his own for a now world and kill no their physical bodies only (the souls are not in that shitty situation, they even havent get killed before). 2:03 - His soul, by vore, is now inside of Hell and a drive of a robot, his insides, halo get lot of Audi-powers too. He also created his own version of this mechanic body and posessed other souls for Nevada destroying (look at eyes, Auditor btw doing the same).

His soul get physical body created by this liquid with soul's powers and genetics. 1:11 - After BOOOM Tricky controls everything here. Auditor's soul is still here, I think its logically - he dont have all powers (maybe he has AAHW buildings access) and trying to tell him "fuck off dis clown!!1" by the posters. In all Krinkels' arts he draw new Mag Tricky as robot, Auditor is familiar to robot too - look at those metalic-like cracks 2:50, also what is those mechanisms doings in Hell ( 3:05)? Those engineers and soldats doing work with techincs here, and they also protect this place.

First guy I guess is a character we havent ever see, he know our green malefactor for long time. All souls in hell were changed to weaker, but Tricky always had magic, PAENFUL for Auditor magic. >MC11: 0:13 - The first dimension, Hell, is continuation of previous story, not new starting. >11, Dedmos and some prestory based on this (contains timelinks to moments I talk about)